BYE Laws



NAME: This group shall be called the ‘Sahodaya Group of CBSE Schools Bhopal, Bhopal Chapter’ (CBSE is the abbreviated form of Central Board of Secondary Education)

1.0.0 Interpretation:

The Jurisdiction of The Sahodaya Group of CBSE Schools Bhopal, Bhopal Chapter’ shall include members of All CBSE Affiliated Schools of Secondary/ Senior Secondary Level of the district of Bhopal and nearby districts of Madhya Pradesh.

The Members of this group shall be Head of Schools (Principal) affiliated to Central Board OF Secondary Education, New Delhi as per instructions of the CBSE Board vide letter no. ACAD/H(I&R)/SAHODAYA/2011 Dated : 15th July 2011

The ‘Sahodaya Group of CBSE Schools Bhopal, Bhopal Chapter’ shall have the State of Bhopal as its Jurisdiction. It shall support the Members of the District of Bhopal with respect to Academic excellence and standardisation for the benefit of the stake holders i.e. students and parents of CBSE affiliated schools within the district of Bhopal.

1.0.1 Sahodaya Schools Complexes: The Concept

In 1987, CBSE brought out a publication titled, “Freedom to learn and freedom to grow through Sahodaya Schools Complexes” (SSCs) which characterised “SSCs” as a voluntary association of schools in a given area, who through mutual choices, have agreed to come together for a systematic and system-wise renewal of the total educational process. In other words as “Sahodaya” signifies rising together, it identified six areas, to begin with, for collaboration amongst schools of its complex:

Through positive promotional efforts, the Board has helped schools come together and form an interactive and sharing relationship. At present, there are 260 such complexes which are active throughout the country, and share and care for each other; particularly those which are in close physical proximity.

1.0.2 Historical Background

Through the idea of Sahodaya Schools complexes was first mooted by the Education Commission, 1966. It was the National policy on Education, 1966 which reiterated in strong words the need for promoting school complexes for meeting the quality of education. This set the tone for bringing the schools together and networking them for healthy interaction among themselves .The first national conference of Principals of CBSE affiliated schools organised by CBSE in collabortion with APSC Madras in 1985 emphasised collaboration among schools and establishing linkages in academic and other co-curricular and cultural activities. The idea of Sahodaya Schools Complexes was further concretised when CBSE, jointly with NPSC, organised a two day conference of school principals and teachers in Delhi in October 1986. The resolution number 5 stated “Accepting the necessity for establishing school complex(s) which may be named SS complexes so that isolation that exists today between the school will give way to partnership among schools within the Complex. The identified six areas, to begin with, for collaboration amongst schools of its complex:

1. Educative Management 4. Professional Growth of Teachers
2. Evaluation 5. Value-Oriented School Climate
3 Human Resource Mobilization 6. Vocationalisation of Education.

The year 1987 saw a further boost to the idea of setting up of SS complex (es) when CBSE in pursuance of the National
Policy of Education, 1986 used a booklet titled, “Implementation of National policy on Education in CBSE affiliated Schools-Programme of Action for three years” which reiterated school complexes and resolved to encourage the process of setting of Sahodaya Schools Complexes.

“Implementation of National policy on Education in CBSE affiliated Schools-Programme of Action for three years” which reiterated school complexes and resolved to encourage the process of setting of Sahodaya Schools Complexes.


2.0.0 Objectives:

“Freedom to learn and freedom to grow through Sahodaya Schools Complexes” (SSCs) which characterised “SSCs” as a voluntary association of schools in a given area, who through mutual choices, have agreed to come together for a systematic and system-wise renewal of the total educational process. In other words as “Sahodaya” signifies rising together, it identified six areas, to begin with, for collaboration amongst schools of its complex:

i. To work jointly for the smooth functioning of schools in the jurisdiction without interference from unauthorised person (s) or unrecognised associations.

ii. To organise all Member Schools under one banner to stand for the common cause of safe guarding
the interest of the Member Schools which are bound by the Bye - Laws of the Sahodaya Group of Sahodaya Schools, Bhopal Chapter.

iii. To collaborate with similar Forum or Groups on a common issue affecting the smooth functioning of the Member Schools.

iv. To sensitise the stakeholders to uphold Value of right citizenship, communal harmony and national integration.

v. To do any activity leading to the furtherance of the Sahodaya Group of CBSE Schools, Bhopal Chapter objectives.
vi. To uphold and promote secular and democratic values of every Member School.

3.0.0 Rules and Regulations:

3.0.1 Membership

i. The Membership is open to All Schools Affiliated to CBSE up to Secondary and Senior Secondary level within the District.

ii. Application for Membership shall be submitted to President of the Sahodaya Group of Sahodaya Schools, Bhopal Chapter through the Online Form available on and the Application for Membership should be sent by the interested school on the School Letter Head with the signatures of The School Principal and Manager. The Application should also contain a Copy of the Affiliation Letter issued by CBSE, New Delhi duly signed by the School Principal and Manager with the Official Rubber stamp of the School, along with the Joining Membership Fee of Rs. 2500/- (Rupees Two Thousand Five Hundred Only per School) through Demand Draft or Online Fund Transfer to the Sahodaya Group of CBSE School Bhopal official account number.

iii. The School may become a member by a favourable vote (simple majority) of the existing Member Schools
at a regular General Body Meeting of the Sahodaya Schools Complex, Chapter.

iv. The existing member schools shall pay an amount of Rs. 2500/- (Rupees Two Thousand Five Hundered Only) paid Annually) by 15th April of the current year.
V. A Copy of the Bye-laws and Annual Statement of Income - Expenditure account, Annual Budget along with a list of Annual Payment made by Different Member Schools and Dues List shall be available on the Sahodaya Group of CBSE Schools Bhopal, Bhopal Chapter Website. Annual Magazine of Sahodaya Schools Complex, Chapter shall also be published.
v. A laminated Membership Certificate (Valid for One Financial Year) on the successful payment of the membership subscription each year.

3.0.2 Withdrawal from Membership

Any member wishing to withdraw from the Membership may do so in writing to the Chairman of the Sahodaya Group of CBSE Schools Bhopal, Bhopal Chapter on the Official Letter head of the School.

3.0.3 Removal from Membership

The member or Member School shall lose its membership in the following cases;

i. In case the Member acts against the interest of the Sahodaya Group of CBSE Schools Bhopal, Bhopal Chapter

ii. In case the Member does not pay the Annual subscription for two consecutive Years.

iii. In case the Member resigns from the Sahodaya Group of CBSE Schools Bhopal, Bhopal Chapter

iv. In case the Member absents himself/ herself from attending three meetings in succession. (A reminder shall be sent to the member through the Office bearer incase 2 meetings are missed, However justifiable Absence will be treated with support and concern)

v. For any cause the Sahodaya Group of CBSE Schools Bhopal, Bhopal Chapter may deem reasonable for removal of membership. The member will be communicated of the decision of the expulsion in writing from the Office Bearers (President)

However, if the member so desires, the member will be given an opportunity for explanation and if the explanation of the member is NOT satisfactory, the removal of membership will be ratified and the decision of the Sahodaya Group of CBSE Schools Bhopal, Bhopal Chapter (2/3rd majority) of all its Members and Office bearers shall be deemed final and binding.

The Member, once removed from the Sahodaya Group of CBSE Schools Bhopal, Bhopal Chapter, shall thereafter loose privileges or powers the member is entitled to. This rule shall bind all Office Bearers and Members of the General Body of the Sahodaya Group of CBSE Schools Bhopal, Bhopal Chapter.

3.0.4 Re - Admission of Removed member to the Sahodaya Group of CBSE Schools Bhopal Chapter

The Removed Member, if so desires to rejoin the Sahodaya Group of CBSE Schools Bhopal, Bhopal Chapter may do so by Re - Applying as a Fresh Member by paying the Joining Fee and remitting all outstanding dues to the Sahodaya Group of CBSE Schools Bhopal, Bhopal Chapter and Only if approved by the Chairman and Core Committee Members in consultation with all the members of the General Body Members with a majority vote of 2/3rd of the total strength through a Meeting of the Members.

4.0.0 The General Body Members

i. The General Body Members of the Sahodaya Group of CBSE Schools Bhopal, Bhopal Chapter shall be allowed to become Members of the Sahodaya Group of CBSE Schools Bhopal, Bhopal Chapter on the payment of Joining Fee/Annual Membership Fee and approval of the Elected Core Committee Members and existing Members of the Sahodaya Group of CBSE Schools Bhopal, Bhopal Chapter.

ii. The General Body Membership shall be offered to Member Schools of the Sahodaya Group of CBSE Schools Bhopal, Bhopal Chapter.

iii. The General Body Member shall be entitled to exercise all powers as Member and do all such actions necessary to achieve the objectives of the Sahodaya Group of CBSE Schools Bhopal, Bhopal Chapter

iv. The Eligible General Body Members shall be eligible to Elect/ Nominate the Office Bearers (Elected Core Committee Members) for a term as mentioned for Elected Core Committee Members Tenure.

4.0.1 The Elected Core Committee Members:

The Elected Core Committee Members shall consist of the following Office Bearers;
1. President
2. Vice President (1 No.)
3. Secretary (1 No.)
4. Joint Secretary (1 No.)
5. Treasurer (1 No.)

The Elected Core Committee shall consist of 5 Members for a Tenure of 3 years tenure starting from April 1st of the current year till March 31st of the 3rd year.
The CBSE Cell shall consist of 5 Members for a Tenure decided by the CBSE New Delhi or its Regional Office in Bhopal.

4.0.2 Powers of the Elected Core Committee:

i. The Elected Core Committee shall have the authority to admit new members, remove members for the reasons given in section 3.0.3 and Re - Admit the removed member as given in section 3.0.4 in consultation with the majority of 50% + 1 of the existing General Body Members.

ii. To approve the expenditure for the Programmes and Events of the Sahodaya Group of CBSE Schools Bhopal, Bhopal Chapter from time to time.

iii. To appoint administrative personnel for the smooth functioning of the Sahodaya Group of CBSE Schools Bhopal, Bhopal Chapter.

iv. To amend/ suggest and implement changes to the Bye - Laws on approval of 50% + 1 majority from the Elected Core Committee of the Sahodaya Group of CBSE Schools Bhopal, Bhopal Chapter.

v. To Frame Rules and Regulations for Sahodaya Group of CBSE Schools Bhopal, Bhopal Chapter if situation so warrant.

vi. To raise funds of the expenses of the Sahodaya Group of CBSE Schools Bhopal, Bhopal Chapter.

vii. To invest funds, to make purchases for the Sahodaya Group of CBSE Schools Bhopal, Bhopal Chapter.

viii. To prepare agenda for the Meetings of the Sahodaya Group of CBSE Schools Bhopal, Bhopal Chapter.

ix. To fix dates for General Body Meetings of the Sahodaya Group of CBSE Schools Bhopal, Bhopal Chapter.

x. To constitute sub committees for the Sahodaya Group of CBSE Schools Bhopal, Bhopal Chapter.

xi. To place reports in General Body Meetings of the Sahodaya Group of CBSE Schools Bhopal, Bhopal Chapter.

xii. To appoint auditors to conduct the Annual and required Audits for the Sahodaya Group of CBSE Schools Bhopal, Bhopal Chapter.

xiii. To determine allowances including travel expenses of the Office Bearers. To frame rules for elections of the Sahodaya Group of CBSE Schools Bhopal, Bhopal Chapter.

4.0.3 Meetings of the Elected Core Committee Members

i. The Elected Core Committee Members shall meet at least bi - monthly. However, when there is an exigency, emergency meeting shall be called by the Chairman in consultation of the Core Committee Members.

ii. The General Body Meeting shall be conducted once in every 3months (quarterly) on the last Saturday of the 3rd month. The General Body meeting shall be called by the Secretary, Communications in consultation of the President.

iii. The General Body Meetings hall be called on notice of at least 7 days by email/SMS/ WhatsApp Text Message to the last known Email ID/ Contact Number of the General Body Members by the Secretary, Communications in consultation with the Chairman of the Sahodaya Group of CBSE Schools Bhopal, Bhopal Chapter. However, where there is a need of exigency, emergency meetings shall be called on a short notice of 1 day by email / SMS/ WhatsApp Text Message.

iv. Quorum for the Elected Core Committee Meetings : 50% + 1 of the General Body Members shall constitute the quorum of the meeting. In absence of the requisite quorum in a meeting, the meeting shall be adjourned to some other date and no quorum shall be needed for such adjourned meeting.

v. Quorum for the General Body Meetings : 50% + 1 of the General Body Members shall constitute the quorum of the meeting. In absence of the requisite quorum in a meeting, the meeting shall be adjourned to some other date and no quorum shall be needed for such adjourned meeting.

5.0.0 President/President

The Chairman/Chairperson of the Sahodaya Group of CBSE Schools Bhopal, Bhopal Chapter should have completed the following criteria to be nominated/ elected as President;

- Should be a Principal of a CBSE Affiliated Senior Secondary School and member of Sahodaya Schools Complex, Chapter for a minimum of 7 years experience as Principal of an Affiliated Senior Secondary CBSE School including 1 year in Bhopal District and should not be exceeding 60 years.

- The President shall be the Ex-officio Member, in all committees who shall when present, preside over the Meetings of the Sahodaya Group of CBSE Schools Bhopal, Bhopal Chapter. In case the Chairman is unavailable, the Vice President, in whose absence, the Secretary members shall preside over the meetings.

- The President and Treasurer of the Elected Core Committee shall be the Signing authorities for the Cheques and Income - Expenses of the Sahodaya Group of CBSE Schools Bhopal, Bhopal Chapter.

- The Tenure of the President shall be that of 3 years starting from the 1st April of the year till 31st March of the following 2 years.

- In case the President changes, retires or impeached within the first 6 months of his/ her tenure, the Elected Core Committee shall be re- elected by a 50% + 1 majority of the existing General Body Members.

- In case the President changes, retires, or impeached within the last 12 months of the tenure, then the Vice President in his/ her absence, the Vice - Chairman/ Vice Chairperson shall be In - Charge of the remaining tenure of the Elected Core Committee.

- The President/President shall be responsible to appoint an Office Clerk, Legal Advisor, or any Office assistant required during his tenure. The Office Clerk, Legal Advisor or any Office assistant shall be paid remuneration on a quarterly basis from the funds of the Sahodaya Group of CBSE Schools Bhopal, Bhopal Chapter.

5.0.2 Vice President/Vice President: (1 Nos.)

- The Vice President of the Sahodaya Schools Complex, Chapter should have completed the following criteria to be nominated/ elected as Vice President of the Sahodaya Schools Complex, Chapter.

- Should be a member of Sahodaya Schools Complex, Chapter for a 5 years experience as Principal of an Affiliated Sec. / Sr. Sec. CBSE School including 1 year in District and and should not be exceeding 60 years.

- Should have a minimum experience of 1 year in the Role of a Principal of a CBSE Affiliated Secondary/ Senior Secondary School within the District.

- The Vice President shall be the second in command of the Ex-officio member, in all committees who shall when present, preside over the Meetings of the Sahodaya Group of CBSE Schools Bhopal, Bhopal Chapter. Incase Chairman/Chairperson is unavailable, the Vice President, in whose absence, the Secretary Members, shall preside over the meetings.

- The Tenure of the Vice President shall be that of 3 years starting from the 1st April of the current year till 31st March of the following 2 years.

- The Vice President shall be assisting the President in all matters and discharge the duties of the Sahodaya Group of CBSE Schools Bhopal, Bhopal Chapter, in the absence of the President. The President will distribute duties to the Vice President.

- In case the Vice President changes, retires or impeached within the first 6 months of his/ her tenure, the President of the Elected Core Committee shall re- elect a Vice President General by a 50% + 1 majority of the existing Core Committee Members and General Body Members.

- In case the Vice President changes, retires, or impeached within the last 12 months of the tenure, then the President shall be In - Charge of the remaining tenure of the Elected Core Committee.

5.0.3 The Secretary : (1 No.)

The Secretary of the Sahodaya Group of CBSE Schools Bhopal, Bhopal Chapter should have completed the following criteria to be nominated/ elected as Secretaries of the Sahodaya Group of CBSE Schools Bhopal, Bhopal Chapter.

- Should be a Principal of a CBSE affiliated Secondary/ Senior Secondary School and member of Sahodaya Group of CBSE Schools Bhopal, Bhopal Chapter for a 4 years experience as Principal of an Affiliated Sec. / Sr. Sec. CBSE School including 1 year in Bhopal District and should not be exceeding 60 years.

- Should have a minimum experience of 1 years or above in the Role of a Principal of a CBSE Affiliated Secondary/ Senior Schools within the District.

- The Secretary shall be the third in command of the Ex-officio member, in all committees who shall when present, preside over the Meetings of the Sahodaya Group of CBSE Schools Bhopal, Bhopal Chapter. Incase President is unavailable, the Vice President, in whose absence, in whose absence the Secretary shall preside over the meetings.

- The Tenure of the Secretary shall be that of 3 years starting from the 1st April of the current year till 31st March of the following 2 years.

- The Secretary shall be assisting the Chairman and Vice President in all matters and discharge the duties of the Chairman, Vice President. The Chairman and Vice President shall distribute duties to the Secretary.

- In case the Secretary or any of its member (s) changes, retires or impeached within the first 6 months of his/ her tenure, the Chairman of the Elected Core Committee shall be re- elect the Secretary (s) by a 2/3rd majority of the existing Core Committee Members and General Body Members.

- In case the Secretary or any of its member (s) changes, retires, or impeached within the last 12 months of the tenure, then the President in his absence, the Vice President shall be In - Charge of the remaining tenure of the Elected Core Committee.

The number of Secretary Members shall be decided by the Elected Core Committee Members under the consultation with the President and Vice President at any point in time of the tenure depending on the requirement through a meeting.

5.0.4 Treasurer : (1 Nos.)

The Treasurer (1) of the Sahodaya Group of CBSE Schools Bhopal, Bhopal Chapter should have completed the following criteria to be nominated/ elected as Treasurer of the Sahodaya Group of CBSE Schools Bhopal, Bhopal Chapter.

- Should be a member of Sahodaya Group of CBSE Schools Bhopal, Bhopal Chapter for a Total of 4 years experience as Principal of an Affiliated Sec. / Sr. Sec. CBSE School including of 1 year in Bhopal District and should not be exceeding 60 years.

- Should have an experience of 1 year or above in the Role of a Principal of a CBSE Affiliated Secondary/ Senior Secondary School within the District.

- Official status of Treasurer, shall be at par of that of the Vice President.

- The Treasurer shall be elected for a tenure of 3 years starting from the 1st April of the current year till 31st March of the following 2 years and shall be the Compulsory Signing authority with the President or on all Cheques related to Accounts, Expense - Income of Sahodaya Group of CBSE Schools Bhopal, Bhopal Chapter account (s) operated from a Nationalised or Government Approved Private Bank.

- The Treasurer shall be the custodian of the cash of the Sahodaya Group of CBSE Schools Bhopal, Bhopal Chapter and shall deal with all cash transactions sanctioned in writing by the President and Vice Chairman/ ViceChairperson (Accounts).

- The Treasurer should collect all dues, if any from all members including the Elected Core Committee Members. The Cash transactions for the Sahodaya Group of CBSE Schools Bhopal, Bhopal Chapter should only be done through Online Cash Transactions through NEFT or Electronic Fund Transfers to the specified Bank Account of the Sahodaya Group of CBSE Schools Bhopal, Bhopal Chapter.

- The Treasurer shall through the President and Vice President (Accounts) send a reminder to Defaulter Members for the submission of Joining/ Annual/ Incidental Subscriptions to its members including Elected Core Committee Members if any.

- The Treasurer shall intimate the President and Vice President (Accounts) and of the defaulter member for his/ her termination of membership from the Sahodaya Group of CBSE Schools Bhopal, Bhopal Chapter due to non - payment of required subscription after 2 reminders.

- The Treasurer shall maintain all records, books and present receipts and payments account, Income and Expenditure Account and the Audit Report to the Elected Core Committee Meetings and General Body Meetings and submit a copy to the President.

- In case the Treasurer changes, retires or impeached within the first 6 months of his/ her tenure, the President of the Elected Core Committee shall re- elect the Treasurer or assign the duties of the Treasurer to the Vice President or re- elect a Treasurer by a 2/3rd majority of the existing Core Committee Members and General Body Members.

- In case the Treasurer changes, retires, or impeached within the last 12 months of the tenure, then the President shall assign the duties of the Treasurer to the Vice President and He/ She shall be In - Charge of the remaining tenure of the Elected Core Committee.

6.0.0 Election Process of the Sahodaya Group of CBSE Schools Bhopal, Bhopal Chapter:

The Election of the Elected Office Bearers will be held by the third Saturday of March before the end of tenure of the current Elected Office Bearers (President, Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary before the end of 3 Years tenure.

- The Elected President along with the Core Committee cannot hold office for more than 2 terms.

- Election shall be conducted in the presence of All General Body Members along with the Elected Core Committee Members through Online Vote or Secret Ballot.

- Each member shall be allowed on 1 Vote each for the election of the President, Vice President (Co-ordination), Vice President (Accounts), Secretary, Treasurer (1 member), in all a total of 4 Votes in all per member including the existing Core Committee Members.

The Nominations should be filed for the post of the President by the interested General Body Members under the fulfillment of the following criteria;

a. The Member should have a minimum of 1 year of Membership in Sahodaya Group of CBSE Schools Bhopal, Bhopal Chapter.

b. The Membership Fee and all dues of the Candidate should be up - to - date to file in nomination for the Post of President.

c. The Member should have served as a Principal for a minimum period of 1year in the District and in total 7 years of a CBSE Affiliated Senior Secondary School within the District and should not be exceeding the age of 60 years if selected as the President.

d. President along with the Vice President of the existing Core Committee shall nominate the ‘Protem Election Officer’ from the existing Member Principal in the age group of 58 to 60 years applicable for the date of election and for the forthcoming tenure of the newly elected core committee.

e. Process of Election (Election Nominations, Withdrawal, Nomination filing and election shall be held between 10th to 15th March of the election year.

f. Handing over and transfer of charges to the newly formed committee members and meeting of the first Cabinet shall be held between 20th to 30th March of the election year.
g. For any Portfolio, members contesting Elections should not exceed the age of 60 years.

h. Members exceeding 60 years and are Principals of Affiliated CBSE Sec/ Sr. Sec Schools of the District of Bhopal are ONLY Eligible to exercise their Voting rights and shall NOT be permitted to Contest Elections.

i. The duty of the Protem Election Officer are as follows;

- Calling for Nomination under each category of the Office Bearers.

- Scrutiny of the nominations filed.

- Nomination Fee (Non - Refundable) for each post shall be Rs. 1000.00 (Rupees One Thousand Only) deposited to the Sahodaya Group of CBSE Schools Bhopal, Bhopal Chapter Account latest 1 week prior to the date of elections

- Withdrawal of Nomination will be allowed by 17th March of the current year of election before the election date.

- Release the list of Nominations for each Post of the Office bearers.
- The Voting method shall be decided by the Protem Election Officer.
- Conduct of the Elections, declaration of results for the Sahodaya Group of CBSE Schools Bhopal, Bhopal Chapter
- Conduct Fair elections as per bye - laws.
- Swearing - In - Ceremony for the newly Elected Committee Members
- Press Release with the names of newly elected Core Committee Members

7.0.0 Finance and Accounts:

7.0.1 Financial Year :
The Financial Year of the Sahodaya Group of CBSE Schools Bhopal, Bhopal Chapter in each year shall be of 12 months from 1st April of the current year till 31st March of the following year.

7.0.2 Petty Cash :
The Treasurer can keep a petty cash of Rs. 10,000/- (Rupees Ten Thousand Only) in hand for emergency and any amount higher than that shall be deposited in the Bank Account of the Sahodaya Group of CBSE Schools Bhopal, Bhopal Chapter.

7.0.3 Bank Account :
- A Current Account will be jointly opened and operated by the President, Vice Chairman Accounts and Treasurer in a Scheduled Commercial Bank (Nationalised/ Government Recognised Private Reputed Bank)

- The Account should be operated by a minimum of 2 Core Committee Members, President or Vice Chairman (Accounts) and Treasurer Signatures shall be mandatory.

- The President or Vice Chairman (Accounts) and Treasurer should ensure that the authorised signatories are updated in the Bank before the end of their Tenure in the bank account of Sahodaya Group of CBSE Schools Bhopal, Bhopal Chapter for the smooth functioning of the Account of the Sahodaya Group of CBSE Schools Bhopal, Bhopal Chapter.

8.0.0 Fund Raising :
The Sahodaya Group of CBSE Schools Bhopal, Bhopal Chapter may raise funds for the furtherance of its objectives with the sanction of a special meeting called for the purpose.

8.0.1 Utilisation of Funds :

The Elected Core Committee Members will frame the Modalities of Utilisation of Funds through a General Body Meeting called for the purpose and has to be passed by 50% + 1 of the total strength of the members present.

8.0.2 Remuneration:
- Unless authorised at any meeting and after notice for same shall have been given, No Office Bearer or Member of the General Body of the Sahodaya Group of CBSE Schools Bhopal, Bhopal Chapter shall receive any Remuneration for His/ Her Services to the Sahodaya Group of CBSE Schools Bhopal, Bhopal Chapter.

- The President shall appoint with the 2/3rd majority of the Elected Core Committee Members and General Body Members any of the following as and when the need be;

i. An Office Clerk
ii. A Legal Advisor
iii. Chartered Accountant/ Consultant/ Professional (Specific to any particular issue)

- The Remuneration for Only the above 3 person (s) shall be approved by the 2/3rd Majority of the Elected Core Committee Members and General Body Members.
The Remuneration may be paid on a quarterly basis to the above three mentioned or can be paid as a Fee to the Professional/ Consultant/ Chartered Accountant or Legal Advisor for rendering their services for the Sahodaya Group of CBSE Schools Bhopal, Bhopal Chapter.

8.0.3 Access Of Books and Records to Members :

- The Books and Records of the Sahodaya Group of CBSE Schools Bhopal, Bhopal Chapter may be inspected by ANY member of the General Body at any time upon giving reasonable notice and arranging a time satisfactory to the President, Vice President (Accounts) and Treasurer who are In - Charge of the books and records.

- The Annual Budget, Audit Report has to be placed before the General Body Members by the Treasurer Annually each year in the beginning. The summary of the last financial year shall be shared with all Members of the Sahodaya Group of CBSE Schools Bhopal, Bhopal Chapter and especially before the Election Term for a New Elected Core Committee to maintain transparency.

- The Accounts of the Sahodaya Group of CBSE Schools Bhopal, Bhopal Chapter shall be audited by a Registered Chartered Accountant appointed by the Elected Core Committee with 2/3rd Majority from the General Body Members.

- The audited accounts shall be presented at the first meeting of the Financial Year (April) for the approval of the Members of the Elected Core Committee and General Body Members.

9.0.0 Amendment / Repeal of the Bye - Laws :

- The above Bye - Laws may be amended or revised or repealed with the consent of 2/3rd of the Members of Sahodaya Group of CBSE Schools Bhopal, Bhopal Chapter (Elected Core Committee and General Body Members inclusive)

- Any change/ revision/ repeal of the Bye - Laws shall be proposed by the President to the Sahodaya Group of CBSE Schools Bhopal, Bhopal Chapter through a General Body Meeting.

- A 50% + 1 majority shall at all times be required to change/ revise/ repeal any Bye - Laws of the Sahodaya Group of CBSE Schools Bhopal, Bhopal Chapter through a ‘Special Resolution’

10.0.0 Dissolution :

- ONLY if 2/3rd of the members of the General Body Members demand the dissolution of the Sahodaya Group of CBSE Schools Bhopal, Bhopal Chapter, the Sahodaya Group of CBSE Schools Bhopal, Bhopal Chapter shall be dissolved.

- The un - utilised funds in the account of the Sahodaya Group of CBSE Schools Bhopal, Bhopal Chapter shall be disclosed to all Existing Qualified Members by the Elected Core Committee Chairman and with the authorised signatories be returned in exact ratio of contribution made by the members towards the Account of the Sahodaya Group of CBSE Schools Bhopal, Bhopal Chapter as on date of dissolution.

The Bye laws shall be enacted and implemented from 10th Day of March 2021 (Two Thousand and Twenty One) onwards. The given Bye -Laws have been agreed upon with a majority of 38/50 member schools present in the meeting.

Created: 06-May-2024 01:28 PM
Last Update: 2024-05-06 01:28 PM
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