How can a school register to become a member of SGSB?
The school should be affiliated to CBSE and should have a CBSE Affiliation number while registering. Select the tab Members on the Homepage and choose the Register option. A form will be displayed. Fill in the details and click on Submit.
Is there any requirement to be a part of SGSB?
CBSE Affiliation is compulsory. It is mandatory to enter the Affiliation number at the time of registering
Will the school automatically become a member after submitting the registration form ?
The steps involved…
- Registration form has to be compulsorily filled by each individual school giving all the details asked
- Demand draft has to be submitted and this completes the registration details
- The registration will be approved by the SGSB Committee and only then the school becomes a member
- Unique SGSB code will be given after the completion of the first 2 steps. This code has to be used by all the members for future correspondence
Can the members update the content or post photos in the photo gallery ?
Members will have to send a mail to
The Committee will reserve the right to post any content or photos
What are the advantages of joining SGSB ?
Sharing of ideas among schools
Common timetable and question papers for Classes IX, X and XII
Principal and Teacher workshops organized by SGSB
CBSE sponsored workshops
Literary and cultural fests organized by SGSB for member schools
Sport fests organized by SGSB for member schools
What is the procedure for a Member school to share an event organized by their school ?
Send a circular with details of the proposed event to the SGSB Chairman and send it via email to
Events organized by the school will be posted on the SGSB website e-invite will then be posted under Events – Sahodaya Events.
Created: 06-May-2024 01:28 PM
Last Update: 2024-05-06 01:28 PM