“Freedom to learn and freedom to grow through Sahodaya Schools Complexes” (SSCs) which characterised “SSCs” as a voluntary association of schools in a given area, who through mutual choices, have agreed to come together for a systematic and system-wise renewal of the total educational process. In other words as “Sahodaya” signifies rising together, it identified six areas, to begin with, for collaboration amongst schools of its complex:
- To work jointly for the smooth functioning of schools in the jurisdiction without interference from unauthorised person (s) or unrecognised associations.
- To organise all Member Schools under one banner to stand for the common cause of safe guarding
the interest of the Member Schools which are bound by the Bye - Laws of the Sahodaya Group of Sahodaya Schools, Bhopal Chapter.
- To collaborate with similar Forum or Groups on a common issue affecting the smooth functioning of the Member Schools.
- To sensitise the stakeholders to uphold Value of right citizenship, communal harmony and national integration.
- To do any activity leading to the furtherance of the Sahodaya Group of CBSE Schools, Bhopal Chapter objectives.
- To uphold and promote secular and democratic values of every Member School.
Created: 06-May-2024 01:28 PM
Last Update: 2024-05-06 01:28 PM