The member or Member School shall lose its membership in the following cases;
- In case the Member acts against the interest of the Sahodaya Group of CBSE Schools Bhopal, Bhopal Chapter
- In case the Member does not pay the Annual subscription for two consecutive Years.
- In case the Member resigns from the Sahodaya Group of CBSE Schools Bhopal, Bhopal Chapter
- In case the Member absents himself/ herself from attending three meetings in succession. (A reminder shall be sent to the member through the Office bearer incase 2 meetings are missed, However justifiable Absence will be treated with support and concern)
- For any cause the Sahodaya Group of CBSE Schools Bhopal, Bhopal Chapter may deem reasonable for removal of membership. The member will be communicated of the decision of the expulsion in writing from the Office Bearers (President)
However, if the member so desires, the member will be given an opportunity for explanation and if the explanation of the member is NOT satisfactory, the removal of membership will be ratified and the decision of the Sahodaya Group of CBSE Schools Bhopal, Bhopal Chapter (2/3rd majority) of all its Members and Office bearers shall be deemed final and binding.
The Member, once removed from the Sahodaya Group of CBSE Schools Bhopal, Bhopal Chapter, shall thereafter loose privileges or powers the member is entitled to. This rule shall bind all Office Bearers and Members of the General Body of the Sahodaya Group of CBSE Schools Bhopal, Bhopal Chapter.
Created: 06-May-2024 01:28 PM
Last Update: 2024-05-06 01:28 PM