Rules and Regulations for Membership
  1. The Membership is open to All Schools Affiliated to CBSE up to Secondary and Senior Secondary level within the District.
  2. Application for Membership shall be submitted to President of the Sahodaya Group of Sahodaya Schools, Bhopal Chapter through the Online Form available on and the Application for Membership should be sent by the interested school on the School Letter Head with the signatures of The School Principal and Manager. The Application should also contain a Copy of the Affiliation Letter issued by CBSE, New Delhi duly signed by the School Principal and Manager with the Official Rubber stamp of the School, along with the Joining Membership Fee of Rs. 2500/- (Rupees Two Thousand Five Hundred Only per School) through Demand Draft or Online Fund Transfer to the Sahodaya Group of CBSE School Bhopal official account number.
  3. The School may become a member by a favourable vote (simple majority) of the existing Member Schools
    at a regular General Body Meeting of the Sahodaya Schools Complex, Chapter.
  4. The existing member schools shall pay an amount of Rs. 2500/- (Rupees Two Thousand Five Hundered Only) paid Annually) by 15th April of the current year.
  5. A Copy of the Bye-laws and Annual Statement of Income - Expenditure account, Annual Budget along with a list of Annual Payment made by Different Member Schools and Dues List shall be available on the Sahodaya Group of CBSE Schools Bhopal, Bhopal Chapter Website. Annual Magazine of Sahodaya Schools Complex, Chapter shall also be published.
  6. A laminated Membership Certificate (Valid for One Financial Year) on the successful payment of the membership subscription each year.
Created: 06-May-2024 01:28 PM
Last Update: 2024-05-06 01:28 PM
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